
The MRBrainS18 challenge is now closed and the data has been published on DataVerseNL:

For each subject, the following files are provided:

/orig/FLAIR.nii.gzOriginal multi-slice T2-FLAIR image.
/orig/T1.nii.gzOriginal 3D T1-weighted scan (isotropic 1×1×1 mm voxels). The face has been removed for the purpose of anonymization.
/orig/T1_mask.nii.gzBinary mask used to remove the face from the 3D T1 weighted scan.
/orig/reg_T1.nii.gzOriginal 3D T1-weighted scan, registered to the T2-FLAIR.
/orig/reg_3DT1_to_FLAIR.txtelastix transformation file that describes the Euler transform from 3D T1 to T2-FLAIR.
/orig/IR.nii.gzOriginal multi-slice T1-weighted inversion recovery scan.
/orig/reg_IR.nii.gzOriginal multi-slice T1-weighted inversion recovery scan, registered to the T2-FLAIR.
/pre/FLAIR.nii.gzBias field corrected multi-slice T2-FLAIR image.
/pre/T1.nii.gzBias field corrected 3D T1-weighted scan(isotropic 1×1×1 mm voxels). The face has been removed for the purpose of anonymization.
/pre/reg_T1.nii.gzBias field corrected 3D T1-weighted scan, registered to the T2-FLAIR.
/pre/IR.nii.gzBias field corrected multi-slice T1-weighted inversion recovery scan.
/pre/reg_IR.nii.gzBias field corrected multi-slice T1-weighted inversion recovery scan, registered to the T2-FLAIR.
/segm.nii.gzManual reference standard, only available for training data.